
Hash cracking immediately and only with your browser.


Ever imagine cracking passwords in your browser? We're All Mad Here

This tool lets you quickly identify weak passwords in seconds before launching your favourite tool. All data is processed on the client with JavaScript.

With a password generator, you can generate wordlists based on specific input data and launch password list attacks.

You can use hashcat rules to generate a wordlist. By default, the generator will use its own rules, which you can find here or click "Show rules".

There are several modes how you can use this tool:

Supported hash types:

Passwords generator


The tool generates a wordlist based on a set of words entered by the user.

For example, during penetration testing, you need to gain access to some service, device, account, or Wi-Fi network that is password protected. For example, let it be the Wi-Fi network of EvilCorp. Sometimes, a password is a combination of device/network/organization name with some date, special character, etc. Therefore, it is simpler and easier to test some combinations before launching more complex and time-consuming checks. For example, cracking a Wi-Fi password with a wordlist can take several hours and can fail, even if you choose a great wordlist because there was no such password in it like Evilcorp2019.

Therefore, using the generated wordlist, it is possible to organize a targeted and effective online password check.